Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Too Dark to See is officially released and if you bought it from me online you should get it within a few days. If you didn't, um, the Etsy listing is here, or you can get it at Floating World or Pony Club.

The library reading last week was a success, and was recorded and made available as a podcast. We read from Too Dark to See and Ariadne auf Naxos. Jesse performed such a perfect Graham Faulkner impression that I nearly died on the spot, and I later learned that his excellent Wolverine voice was actually in imitation of the inimitable T. Edward Bak. According to eyewitnesses I was also very funny and said many witty things.

Also the Stumptown Comics Fest happened. Now that it's over I barely know what to do with myself.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

"Here in Sleaze City" is my guest Slow Wave comic, which I wrote and drew and Jesse colored. A few minutes after sending this home I got an email which inquired, for coloring purposes, what was the topping on the turnip fries, and this was a question to which I did not know the answer, friends. "I don't know, something disgusting," I promptly responded. "Turnip sauce. Sleazy grease." And then I chuckled to myself about the phrase "sleazy grease" for about ten minutes. That cowboy type talking to Leesa at the club is Father Vivian O'Blivion, obviously. Sleaze cracks me up.

My week so far has been occupied with the satchelful of minutia which needs to be completed in order for me to be totally fucking prepared for the Stumptown Comics Fest this weekend. For example, I drew some nice lettering for the cover of Too Dark to See (a mockup of the cover is visible on yonder preorder listing), I made fifty more copies of that book at the IPRC (twenty of which I valiantly collated by hand after forgetting to select the "collate" button), I drew a badly-needed label for my bookplate packaging (customers must be told how many plates are within and how to adhere them), I filled out some contracts, and as always there is still a lot more to do.

Finding The Conversation on Netflix Instant Watch totally made my day.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

I finished Too Dark to See on Thursday and made copies of its guts at Fed Ex. You can preorder it from my Etsy store. I'm still working on the cover image, which, when completed, eagles from Forest Park will pluck from my inky fingers and deliver to Dueltone headquarters, whereupon it will be swiftly screen printed, and then my books will be done. Already the cold fingers of lethargy and self-doubt are creeping up my spine. They sense my work ethic slackening. They want to kill me.

Another thing I did this weekend is a guest strip for by buddy Jesse Reklaw of Slow Wave, and you can see it in six days.

Jesse will be reading my comics with me at the Multnomah County Library on April 14, for this event. He kindly offered to accompany our reading on the ukulele, but after reading a few pages of Too Dark to See he pronounced its ideal soundtrack "moody silence." I will also be speaking as part of a panel at this event, so you can anticipate my extemporaneous attempts at humor and completely off-base observations on history and culture to be received with more moody silence.

I'll be sharing a table at this year's Stumptown Comics Fest with François Vigneault. Come see us at table D-14 for copies of my new book, plus teeth and book plates and prints, and more moody silence. Just kidding. Conventions are where I'm a viking.