The other day an acquaintance of mine suggested that I should see the movie
MacGruber because "it's so funny."
"I don't really like funny movies," I confessed.
"But this is
really funny," she explained.
"Then I'll probably like it even less."
Undeterred, she began to describe her favorite scenes from the movie, one of which, I was appalled to learn, depicts a man having sex with the ghost of his dead wife, on her grave. My first reaction was: here I am, busting my ass to conjure up some edgy art for you all to enjoy, and damned if this fucking bullshit movie doesn't saunter up and jizz all over my totally earnest and touching graveyard ghost sex scene. I ask you. MacGruber. Wikipedia says this movie came out a month after
Flesh and Bone was released. Maybe graveyard ghost sex was just in the air at that time.
In less bullshit areas of my life, there's a women-themed show next month at
Guapo Comics and Coffee, entitled "Woman," featuring me and a bunch of other radical lady artists. I wanted to share with you the beautiful bio Sean Christensen wrote about me for his press release:
Julia Gfrorer is a comic book artist, printer & fine artist. She is the author and artist most famous for her short comic Flesh & Bone of sparkplug comics. Julia makes possibly the most intense, dark, erotic, romantic and brutal, modern comics in print, yet they have a visual quality that lends them to a time that could lay anywhere between the 1700's to the future.
Reading things like this makes me feel like I am winning at life, and that is a rare and precious feeling.